Hundreds of Children Join Virtual Koran Reading Competition
Friday, October 15, 2021 9:05 AMBSD City, October 23, 2021 ー Sinar Mas Land’s Muslim Foundation (YMSML) held Virtual Koran Reading Competition for children to commemorate Maulid Nabi (Prophet Muhammad's birthday) and to encourage them to improve their Koran reading skill. “Reading the holy Koran, understanding the meaning, and applying the values in our daily lives are the noble ways to celebrate the day when Prophet Muhammad was born. It allows us to push our children to practice their Koran reading skill, regardless of the pandemic, as it is held online with the help of technology just like we are having today,” says YMSML Supervisor Head Saleh Husin.
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For this event, Sinar Mas Land through YMSML worked with Mama Papa Foundation (Yayasan Mama Papa) to invite the contestants to read Koran using the Mama Papa method. Roughly 402 kids aged seven to 12 years old, representing 72 mosques/musalas (small mosques) from Kota Wisata Cibubur, Legenda Wisata Cibubur, and Grand Wisata Bekasi, showcased their talent online on Zoom on Saturday (10/23). It is part of Berantas Buta Al-Quran (BBQ) Virtual 2021 Program which was held from May to September.

The competition had three different categories namely Category A for kids aged seven to nine years old, Category B for kids aged ten to 12 years old, and lastly Category C for those of 13 to 15 years old. The total prize was Rp42 million. The Mama Papa Method book author, Ustaz Muhammad Taslim, said this method offered quick tips to read Koran by using storytelling as its approach. “The reading method is almost similar to reading Arabic-Malay texts. Interestingly, the 29 Arabic Hijaiyah alphabets are introduced in a daily conversation manner so those learning to read Koran should understand easily.”

Hundreds of contestants were students of the male Islamic religious teachers (ustaz) and Koran reading teachers, who previously had joined the training of trainers (ToT) to read the holy book by using the Mama Papa Method. The training was part of the BBQ Virtual 2021 Program which catered to 144 ustazs and Koran reading teachers for three intensive months. During the training, they were given guidebooks and digital copies of the necessary tools so they could easily master the method.

The BBQ Program ran from 2018 to 2019 and was joined by 600 ustaz/ustazah (female Islamic religious teachers) and Koran reading teachers from 127 mosques and musalas around BSD City. This year, YMSML has expanded to the mosques/musalas in Kota Wisata Cibubur, Legenda Wisata Cibubur, and Grand Wisata Bekasi.